Inertial 9-axis sensor applicable in various body segments for functional movement assessment. Equipped with accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetic sensor it is able to detect movements. The data can be transmitted in real time via bluetooth interface or stored in the internal memory for a subsequent transfer. It can be connected both to the professional BIOMECH® software, version for WINDOWS through USB interface and to the new BIOMECH® app for smart devices through the Bluetooth connection 


Joint Mobility





One sensor 9 axis

Wiva Sensor Plus 

The Wiva® Walk system uses a Wiva Science inertial sensor connected via Bluetooth to a computer / smartphone and tablet (through the new BIOMECH® STUDIO app) and allows to determine both time-space parameters and the rotations of the HIP. 

The sensor is positioned at the patient’s waist with a special belt that does not influence the execution of the motor gesture: the patient can walk free following the protocol . This allows an accurate and scientific measurement. At the end of the walk analysis, an automatic report is displayed with the parameters calculated during the test. These indices are the result of 10 years of research and have been validated in important clinical centers. The analysis can be repeated several times in sequence. You can then change the patient’s condition (such as using orthoses or walking aids) and checking the effect of the changes accordingly in real time. It is also possible to verify the evolution of a therapeutic treatment by checking the normalization of the measured parameters. This test can be performed both outdoors and indoors, on adult patients and on pediatric subjects. It allows to carry out a complete analysis thanks to the numerous information it provides among others 

• Speed: main indicator of problems related to the journey • Acceleration and variability of the pitch: to check the repeatability of the acquired steps 

• Angles and motor ranges of the pelvis: dynamic posture during the walk 

The Wiva® JOINT MOB System it’s composed of a WIVA SCIENCE inertial sensor which, through the BIOMECH® STUDIO program ( or new BIOMECH APP), allows to evaluate the athlete’s / patient’s JOINT MOBILITY . 

Useful for pre-post operative / rehabilitative evaluation in real time thanks to the bio-feedback option. Measure the R.O.M. (range of mobility) of the articulation both in active mode and Passive, and it is also possible to define a level of pain associated with movement (scale 0-10). 

You can measure all the joint angles in all directions of the movement and then check for any compensations for the movement performed on other axes. You can test quickly using the sensor connected to portable devices (smartphone or tablet) ordirectly to the PC. 

The results are executable and comparable also for contralateral limbs and depending on the type 

Wiva® + Protocol Jump is an innovative and complete solution for the analysis of the explosive strength of the lower limbs during the vertical jump tests on the spot (Bosco test). It is based on the use of inertial sensors and on the wireless transmission via Bluetooth of the acquired data that are displayed in real time on the PC with BIOMECH® STUDIO . It can be used in any environment (indoor / outdoor) and on any surface (sand, grass, and snow). The following internationally recognized tests are evaluated: 

Jumping with counter movement CMJ Squat jump SJ CMJ jumps (repeated variable duration) Stiffness test 

Drop Jump 

Returned results: Share of the jump (m) Flight time (s) Maximum speed (m / s) Maximum force (N / kg) Muscular work (J / kg) Muscle power (W / kg) Fatigue index Reactivity index Index of muscle-tendon stiffness 

The WIVA POWER system uses an inertial sensor connected via Bluetooth to a computer and allows to determine both eccentric and concentric force during a training on BIOMECH® STUDIO Program. 

Wiva® allows the physiotherapist and / or motor rehabilitator to use objective data to monitor the progress of recovery and ensure the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program / performance improvement by allowing the patient throughout the rehabilitation process to evaluate his physical state. 

You can measure the strength and power and quantify the deficit between the injured limb and the healthy limb both on normal machines with overload (iso-inertial evaluation with Power Protocol) or control the intensity of the exercise with visual BIO- FEEDBACK in real time by means of a threshold of work settable at the user’s choice (Power Feedback). 

The purposes of the Power module are:

real-time feedback on muscle power – power-load and force-speed curves – training and recovery optimization – Results returned: – Muscle power (W / kg) – Muscle strength (N / kg) – Average speed (m / s) – Maximum and optimal load (kg) Soon also available in the APP version for smartphones / tablets